Revenue Recovery Services

Charge Capture Review
Jzanus Consulting helps hospitals and physician groups to identify missed charges, miscoded charges and prevent costly overcharging. By utilizing a specialized team of clinicians and billing specialists we compare clinical documentation against billed charges to identify any documentation/charge discrepancies while helping your hospital to mitigate compliance and revenue risk.
Key areas for improvement often include operating rooms, emergency departments, cath labs, and pain centers while common charge capture errors include surgical or cath lab procedures with missing/invalid supplies, devices, or implants; missing/invalid fluoroscopy charges on pain management procedures; infusions and injections; incorrect emergency department visit level assignments; and missing/invalid bedside procedures.
With over 20 years of experience in charge capture review we have the expertise and knowledge to work with your revenue integrity department and ensure charging accuracy.
Key Features:
Expert clinical billing specialists
Compliance and revenue risk mitigation
Focused reviews for key service lines
Target services including operating room, ED, cath labs, pain centers, infusions and injections